Saturday, September 19, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
General Conference

Traditionally, New Years is the time we sit down, evaluate our life, and set appropriate goals. However, an even better time for this is coming up in just three weeks - General Conference weekend. For anyone not familiar with this event, General Conference is a semi-annual meeting in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints where members from all over the world gather to hear the teachings of our church leaders. We believe these leaders to have the same authority and the same divine commision as the apostles and prophets we read about in the Bible. The teachings we receive during General Conference help us to know how we can face the specific challenges of our day and be better disciples of Jesus Christ.
Because conference is such a special event, I believe it merits extra attention and preparation. Here are some things I've done in the past to prepare for General Conference that I would suggest:
Before Conference:
1. Periodically watch, read, or listen to previous General Conference talks.
2. Come up with a list of life questions with which you need guidance. Without fail, as you sincerely listen to the speakers, you will find the answers you seek.
3. Study the scriptures. I especially recommend Mosiah chapters 2 through 5 in the Book of Mormon. See how King Benjamin's sermon mirrors the General Conference that we have today. Pay attention to how the people receive his teachings as he expounds the doctrines of the fall of man and of the atonement.
During Conference:1. Go to Conference. If you live close to Salt Lake City, make a point to attend at least one session live at the Conference Center. Having a ticket is helpful but not necessary, as there are always extra seats to go around. I believe watching it live at Temple Square serves helps us remember what a monumental occasion it is.
2. If you can't go to Conference, still take the day off, dress in your Sunday best, and watch it at home. Be sure to remove all distractions, and avoid trying to multitask during conference.
3. Take notes. Even if a particular talk does not apply to you directly, writing helps you to stay focused. Last year I bought a Moleskine diary solely to hold Conference
notes. Any notebook will do, but if you are like me, investing more in a nice one will help you to value it more.
After Conference:
1. Sunday afternoon, find a quiet place to go ponder and review your notes. From your notes, make a list of the key ideas and quotes that you felt were most important for you.
2. From your summarized notes, create Conference Goals - specific goals for improvement based on what you felt and learned at conference.
3. Print your goals, stick them on your wall by your desk, and refer to them often throughout the coming months.
Hearing from living prophets and apostles is such an incredible privilege. On October 3rd and 4th I hope you will all take the time to "go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths" Isaiah 2:3
Full conference coverage can be found here:,6353,310-1,00.html
Have a great week - I'll post another update on my life soon.